
Masvingo commemorates World Cities Day

#WorldCitiesDay – The City of Masvingo Mayor, Cllr. Collen Maboke challenged residents and stakeholders of the City not to think about cities by jumping straight to thinking about sky scrapers, roads, shopping malls, cars and other physical things we are surrounded by, instead think of cities as homes of well – being people.

The Vision of the City of Masvingo which was reached after a vigorous consultative process is ‘ To be an Industrialised World Class Metropolitan City by 2030 ‘. It expresses its unique local identity in relation to the history of mankind and human settlement (a once fortified city and unique Great Zimbabwe ruins) and represents the aspirations and sense of ownership of Masvingo by its stakeholders to be an inclusive # City4all. It also addresses the vision of the transition to be a smart city and e-governance.

More important than buildings in a city are public spaces like the civic centre and Kernen Park (city beautification), and a fast-growing industry (space for incubation hubs for technology and industrial parks). They are what make people want to live in a city and stay in that city. #ActLocaltogoGlobal.

Cities are about people. Contrary to what was done in the past, currently we are using stakeholder participation in all Council processes, from budgeting, policy formulation to strategic planning of the city. We are designing Masvingo to be people – oriented, to make it more comfortable. #OurCity.

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City of Masvingo Holds Strategic Plan Review Workshop

City of Masvingo is holding a Strategic Planning Review Workshop aiming at aligning the Council’s strategic vision to the national strategic goals. The four-day workshop which will run from Monday 7 November until Thursday the 10th of November 2022, at Golden Peacock Villa Hotel in Mutare was officially opened by the Mayor, Cllr Collen Maboke.

Addressing delegates on the workshop objectives, City of Masvingo Town Clerk, Eng. Edward Mukaratirwa challenged participants to consistently familiarise themselves with the national strategic planning policy document to successfully respond to national goals highlighted in National Development Strategy1.

‘We have embarked on an exercise to review our Strategic Plan. This document details plans that we undertake from now up to the year 2025. The exercise involves engagement with our key stakeholders to input into this planning process. We have involved the business community, traders, residents’ associations, church-based organisations and SMEs to assist us as a local authority to put together a reviewed Strategic Plan. We are relooking into the existing strategic plan running from 2021 – 2025, recrafting our strategies, reprioritising so that it reflects the interests of Masvingo that are so current and that are in sync with the prevailing environment in the city and the country at large’, he said.

He also emphasised on the symbiotic relationship between the strategic plan and performance contracting.

The four – day workshop will among other issues focus on the review of the strategic plan of Council, milestones achieved, missed opportunities and future mapping, stakeholder expectations, strategic mapping; environmental scanning – PESTLEG and SWOT analysis, Strategic Mapping: Vision, Mission, Values and TORs, programmes and Performance Information Re – alignment, risks, mitigation, annual plan and performance contracting.

Other areas of focus of the workshop are the 5 key programmes that of, Governance and Administration, Sanitation and Hygiene, Social Services, Public Safety and Security and roads infrastructure.

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Mayor’s Christmas Cheer Fund launched

Mayor’s Christmas Cheer Fund was launched on Wednesday the 2nd of November 2022, and has so far received RTGs 135 120 .00 cash, RTGS 232, 500.00 pledges, US$120.00 and US$10 pledges and RTGS112 500.00 worth of goods and other donations.

Last year, the fund raised RTGs 297 000 .00 which was distributed to several institutions.

Companies and organisations that donated towards the cheer fund in cash and goods include Great Zimbabwe Realtors, Zhirahuru Properties, OK Zimbabwe, Rujeko Secondary School, Runyararo Primary School, Vurombo Primary School, Dikwindi Primary School, Rujeko Primary School and individuals.

Those who wish to donate to the Cheer Fund in support of the less privileged members of our community should contact the Chamber Secretary or deposit direct to the Christmas Cheer Fund Accounts and submit proof of payment to the Finance Director.

Our banking details are as follows:
Forex Account
Name: City of Masvingo
Bank: ZB Bank
Account Number: 4407094505405
Swift Code: ZBCOZWHX
Branch: Masvingo
Bank Address: 378 Robert Mugabe Way,
ZWL Account
Name: City of Masvingo
Bank: ZB Bank
Account Number: 4407094505200
Branch: Masvingo

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Anyone Can Pick up Trash Happy October National Clean Up Day 2022


The City of Masvingo joined the rest of the nation in creating clean and healthy spaces on Friday the 7th of October 2022 at Mamutse open ground in ward 2 by sweeping and picking up stray bits of litter.

The cleaning efforts are part of the national clean-up campaign, which has seen the nation declaring zero tolerance to litter and setting aside the first Friday of every month as a national clean-up day.

The exercise brought together various stakeholders and was graced by the District Development Co-ordinator, Mr Ray Hove and His Worship the Mayor of the City of Masvingo Cllr Collen. Maboke among others.

National CleanUp Day is held monthly and promotes country-scale organized and individual cleanup events and volunteering to keep the outdoors clean and prevent the spread of diseases.

“Clean up campaigns raise awareness about the scale of the litter problem and get the community thinking about changing their behaviour. Clean up actions are also an effective way to bring communities together and by enhancing social bonds, make people more appreciative of their common environment”, said the Chief Environmental Health Officer, Ms S. Madamamombe.

The exercise attracted more than 200 volunteers, and many truck loads of waste were collected.

The event was coordinated by the Department of Health Services in collaboration with Environmental Management Agency to clean up trash and litter in Ward 2.

The National Clean Up Day introduced the Tailored CleanUp program for businesses, institutions and cities. The program is available to any participating business, educational institution, land manager, government entity or nonprofit. Companies like Byword Motors, Jadecon Construction and OK Mart also joined the City Council in the clean up exercise.

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City of Masvingo calls for inclusive budget consultation processes

As governed by the Urban Councils Act Cap 29:15, Public Finance Management Act, the Constitution of Zimbabwe and Circulars from the Ministry of Local Government and Public Works, the City of Masvingo has started Budget Consultations in a bid to solicit residents’ inputs and budget priorities for the year 2023.

The Local Authority kickstarted the consultations with a meeting with Aldermen and Business Advisory Board today the 6th of October 2022 at its Civic Centre offices, in an attempt to map out engagement strategies for the 2023 budget consultation.

The meeting was followed by meetings in wards 1 and 3 the same day.

During the consultation meetings residents were given feedback on the 2022 budget perfomance to ensure that residents input into the 2023 budget being informed. Projects like Runyararo South West clinic financed from Intergovernmental Fiscal transfer (Devolution Funds), Landfill, Rujeko Secondary School, rehabilitation of roads under ERRP2 programme and market sheds were successfully implemented. Establishment of Rujeko D Housing Project is also progressing well.

Residents urged the local authority to introduce free medication at its Council clinics, rehabilitation of public toilets to combat vandalism among other issues which were raised.

“We are urging Council to consider rehabilitation of public toilets and ensure each household have its own toilet to avert vandalism of Council infrastructure. ”, said a resident of Ward 1

In terms of the Urban Councils Act 29:15 (288) (2) (a) when the estimates (budget) has been approved by council and approved by the mayor copies of the estimates (budget) are made available for public inspection.

Furthermore, Section 219 (2) of the Urban Councils Act 29:15 specify that before any tariff or charges come into operation “a statement setting out the proposed tariff” shall be advertised in two issues of newspapers and posted at Council offices for a period of not less than 30 days.

The law also provides room for residents to object to the proposed tariffs for reconsideration by Council in terms of Section 219 (3) (a) and (b) of the Urban Councils Act 29:15.

The budget consultations are a critical process of priority and tariff setting.

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rujeko school

City of Masvingo makes notable progress towards construction of Rujeko Secondary School

Despite declining revenue efficiency, City of Masvingo has managed to embark on construction of modern two-unit classroom blocks at Rujeko Secondary School in preparation for 2023 enrolment.

The state-of-the-art facility is set to enhance teaching and learning in Rujeko, a location which had gone for years without a secondary school. Construction of the new secondary school has since closed the yawning gap, since it will cater for the residents of Rujeko and other adjacent suburbs. Pupils were being forced to cross the main Masvingo – Beitbridge highway to schools such as Ndarama High School, Masvingo Christian College and Mucheke High School.

The school opened doors for Form One pupils on the 14th of February 2022 with an initial enrolment of 200 pupils.

It was financed with the Council resources.

Council will continue to invest in the provision of educational infrastructure since education is key to national development.

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SSLA Training at Masvingo Civic Centre

In Zimbabwe, people with disabilities are not discriminated but rather recognized in all aspects to keep promoting the base of equality to every citizen. In support to the importance of gender on the disabled ones especially for the deaf, Masvingo City  Council held a four day training being facilitated by Sunrise Sign Language Academy (SSLA) from  the 13th of June to 16th of June 2022 at Civic Centre.


The Trainers worked hand in hand with Sign Language Interpreters Association of Zimbabwe and Reformed Church University. Not all workers at Masvingo City Council attended the training sessions but it selected two workers from each department, two Councillors from Gender Committee and four workers from Municipal police. Sign language is pivotal in the Council and it is going to be taught to many employees as this training was just the beginning.


Mr D. Mapeta and Miss Praise from SSLA were the ones who were teaching them sign language covering all categories. The trainees wrote two final exams on their last day of the training and according to the trainers, Mr Mapeta and Praise the performance was exceptional. They decided not to only end on exams but also to proceed to a graduation ceremony to all those who had excelled the exams. The graduation is taking place on the 17th of June 2022 at Civic Centre


The training reflects commitment by Masvingo city Council to include all stakeholders in development of the City.





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Councillors tour the Bushmead Water Treatment Plant

As part of a comprehensive induction to help new councillors to settle in,  understand their roles and expectations, forge strong relationships with employees, and to build competence and confidence in serving their community, councilors got a close up look at where the city and surroundings get their water from and how it is treated today the 15th of June 2022 during a four-hour tour that led them from the Intake tower at Bushmead to water treatment plant.

Council held the tour of all stages of water purification from the intake towers to the final stage.The tour allowed the newly elected councillors to appreciate the operations. 

According to the Acting Director of Engineering Services, Eng. Kudzanai Mbetu the tour was really necessary for the both council management and councillors to walk through the facility to appreciate the operations.  

The newly elected councillors; Ward 4 Councillor, Aleck Tabe and Ward 5 Councillor, Rocky Kamuzonda were joined by their fellow councillors, Ward 10 councillor, Sengerai Manyanga, Ward 9 Councillor Babylon Beta, Ward 1 Councillor, Alderman Selina Maridza, Ward 7 Councillor, Richard Musekiwa and Council management, the Town Clerk, Eng Edward Mukaratirwa, Acting Director Engineering Servives, Eng. Kudzaishe Mbetu, Acting Finance Director, Mr. Danister Jori and Acting Director of Housing and Social Services, Mr. Simbarashe Mandishona.

However, other councillors and council managers were unable to join the tour due to other council duties.


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clean up

Going beyond the broom

Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Hon Ezra Chadzamira on Friday the 3rd of July 2022 led the Masvingo community in cleaning up the environment at Garikai Market  where he planted the Kenan Cropon tree from Kenya and reiterated the need to keep a clean environment in line with the Government’s Vision 2030.


Minister Chadzamira, who addressed people after the clean-up exercise, commented the City of Masvingo for being one of the few local authorities to have a landfill which is a well-engineered and managed facility for the disposal of solid waste.


‘I would like to appreciate the efforts by the City of Masvingo for coming up with a landfill for proper waste management.


The raising anti-littering awareness in Masvingo by conducting a physical clean up exercise and involving various stakeholders  such as government agencies, regulatory authorities, residents and businesses has been a success in Masvingo since the inception of the programme in 2018.


Hon Chadzamira went on to applaud the Government’s efforts on infrastructure development especially road construction and maintenance under the Emergency Road Rehabilitation Programme.


District heads,  Provincial heads, Masvingo City Councillors, His Worship, The Mayor, Cllr. C. Maboke,  JOC members, Commissioners, ZANU PF Provincial Chairman, Hon Robson Mavhenyengwa and other dignitaries participated during the clean up exercise.



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City of Masvingo recruits guards

To improve Municipal policing standards, City of Masvingo recently undertook a rigorous training programme for its guards. The training took on board 16 guards who were all new recruits.


The training of 16 guards took  6 weeks, culminating in a pass-out parade conducted on 30 May 2022. The training covered both the physical aspects  of policing as well as the theoretical concepts. The course content included aspects such as Municipal code of conduct, foot drill, duties and responsibilities of a guard, history of Masvingo City Council, briefing and de-briefing, powers to arrest, search and seizure, communication, customer care, welfare, discipline, report writing and statement recording, static guarding or patrolling duties and municipal books and records.


His Worship, The Mayor, Cllr. C Maboke who was the Guest of Honour at the pass-out parade presented the graduates with certificates.


In his speech, Mayor Maboke highlighted that the role of security guards in modern society involves moderation of the behaviour of mankind through the enforcement of laws and by-laws.


The pass-out parade immensely benefited from the presence of senior council management, the Town Clerk and Chamber Secretary.

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